Players & Staff to depart Ainslie Park


It is with mixed emotions that we announce the departure of several players, and backroom staff, from Spartans F.C. SWPL 1 squad as they embark on new chapters in their football journeys.  


Upon the end of the 23/24 season, the following players are set to depart the club – Amelie Birse, Hannah Robinson and Mya Goodman.

The club would like to place on record its’ thanks to each player for all their efforts and contributions for the club over the course of their time at Ainslie Park. Amelie, Hannah, and Mya have all been an integral part of our squad, contributing significantly to our efforts on the pitch this season, and in previous seasons.


While we are sad to see these players leave, we are excited for them as they take on new challenges. Each has left a lasting legacy at Spartans, and they will always be part of the Spartans family. We look forward to following their careers and hope they achieve continued success.


In addition we say a fond farewell to Amy Hogg (Media Manager), Liam Thomson (Analyst), Adam Smith (Team Manager) and finally Toni Ross (Physiotherapist). We extend our heartfelt thanks for everyone’s contributions over the years and wish them great success in the next phase of their careers.