McCafferty, Bates & Foote Commit to Spartans

The Spartans Football Club is thrilled to announce the extension of contracts for three of our esteemed team members – Robyn McCafferty, Mya Bates and Rebecca Foote. These extensions underscore our commitment to retaining top talent and ensuring continuity in our pursuit of success.


After 36 starts and 37 appearances last season Robyn commented on her one year extension: “Anyone that knows me knows how much this club means to me and how much I love it here so I’m absolutely delighted to be signing on for another year. I believe it’s a really exciting time to be at the club, with a great group of staff and players that are excited to get back out on the pitch!”



Left sided winger Mya Bates, whose pace and technical skill was invaluable to the squad last season, is also delighted to be extending her stay at the club: “I am excited to sign for another year at Spartans. I am looking forward to pushing onto the new season and improving on last seasons performances as a team which we showed towards the end of the season.”



Since joining Spartans last season, experienced midfielder Rebecca Foote has settled in well at the club and has became an important team member: “Since joining Spartans in 2023, I’ve began to love football again. I am excited to be re-signing again this year and look forward to the challenges and opportunities that the season will bring!”



Head Coach Jack Beesley has this to say about Mya, Rebecca and Robyn committing to next season: “Mya had a really strong second half of the season, showing the match-winning qualities she can possess. I feel her development has a really high ceiling and I’m excited to try and help her access that as best, and as consistently as possible. Her pace and directness gives us a different dimension and I’m looking forward to seeing what she can offer us next season.”


“Rebecca is exactly the type of character you want in and around the dressing room – she is committed, positive, an excellent communicator and always strives to give the best version of herself. She is very versatile, able to play in any of the central midfield positions, and showed her qualities before and after her injury last season. I’m looking forward to working with her again next season.”


“I’m absolutely delighted Robyn has again chosen to sign for Spartans next season. On and off the pitch she embodies everything the club is about, and will be fundamental in helping us achieve our objectives for next season. She’s humble, dedicated and selfless, and is a very popular figure in and out with the dressing room. Excitingly, there is still a lot of capacity for Robyn to improve and I’m certain the best is yet to come from her. I look forward to seeing what she can contribute to the club next season”.